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Communication between the Kumo Cloud and MHK2 units will include certain timestamps spanned over four bytes. Mitsubishi encodes these in a bitfield in form YYYYYY mmmm DDDDD HHHHH MMMMMM SSSSSS. In the below chart, but 1 is the rightmost.

1-6Second (0-59)
7-12Minute (0-59)
13-17Hour (0-23)
18-22Day of Month (1-31)
23-26Month (1-12)
27-32Year (since 2017)

Conversions can be done with the following code:

def convert_date_time(dt):
return (dt.year - 2017) << 26 | \
(dt.month << 22) | \
( << 17) | \
(dt.hour << 12) | \
(dt.minute << 6) | \

def from_magic(magic):
seconds = magic & 63
minutes = (magic >> 6) & 63
hours = (magic >> 12) & 31
days = (magic >> 17) & 31
months = (magic >> 22) & 15
years = (magic >> 26) + 2017
return datetime.datetime(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)