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Command 0x02 - Get Current Settings

This packet's structure and contained information is very similar to that of 0x41 0x01 - Set Settings, and a significant amount of data appears to be shared. Please consult that page for additional information about the below fields.

BytePurposePossible ValuesSupported by mUARTNotes
4Operating ModeNo
5Legacy Target Temperature
6Fan Speed
7Vertical Vane
8Prohibit Flags
10Horizontal Vane
11Target Temperature
12(UNCONFIRMED) Target HumidityPossibly JP units only?
13(UNCONFIRMED) Power Saving ModePossibly JP units only?
14(UNCONFIRMED) "Wind and Wind Break"Possibly JP units only?
15(UNCONFIRMED) Left Vertical VanePossibly JP units only?

Horizontal Vanes

For currently unknown reasons, certain units will have the most significant bit (0x80) set for the horizontal vane field. The purpose of this bit is currently unknown, though it may vary between unit types. For example, on the MSZ-FS##NA unit, this bit is set when indirect/direct mode is enabled.

Preliminary testing has shown that this bit need not be set to update the horizontal vane state.